• Why Do People Hate Dogs?

    Why Do People Hate Dogs?

    People’s behavior towards dogs can greatly impact their well-being. Concerning behaviors include neglect, abuse, improper training, overbreeding, ignoring behavioral issues, inadequate exercise, improper confinement, lack of veterinary care, misunderstanding canine behavior, and overindulgence. Addressing these issues requires education and a commitment to responsible pet ownership for the well-being of dogs. Read more

  • Eid Ul- Adha Is Round The Corner

    Eid Ul- Adha Is Round The Corner

    Eid ul-Adha, or the Festival of Sacrifice, commemorates Prophet Ibrahim’s obedience to God by slaughtering specific animals. Animals must meet health and age criteria. The sacrifice symbolizes obedience, charity, and community bonding. Regional variations exist, affecting animal choice and customs. Muslims aim to fulfill religious duties, honor history, and promote values through Qurbani. Read more

  • Pakistan Ki Shan Award 2024

    Pakistan Ki Shan Award 2024

    Thank you SNB for honoring with Pakistan Ki Shan Award 2024, for making an effort in bringing change, positive impact on the Society and the mindset of People, by creating Awareness through my Various Articles on my site henablogforpaws.com. It wouldn’t have been possible without Allah the Almighty’s blessings, Prayers of my parents, siblings and… Read more

  • Essential Considerations for Welcoming a New Cat

    Essential Considerations for Welcoming a New Cat

    Welcoming a new furry cat into your household can be a delightful experience, but it also comes with several important considerations to ensure the cat’s well-being and smooth integration into the home. Here are the major concerns to address: 1. Health and Vet Care 2. Nutrition 3. Safety 4. Litter Box Training 5. Socialization and… Read more

  • Social Media Monday

    Social Media Monday

    Good morning readers!  As today is Monday, so we are here again to share with you our Social Media Accounts through which you can be well connected. Welcome to #MarketingMondays Scroll below: Follow us on Instagram: @Henablogforpaws Follow us on Twitter: @HenaOsman Follow us on LinkedIn: @HinaOsman Follow us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@henablogforpaws?si=Oh6Z1roGTolXi2j9 Join our Facebook Group: @HenaBlogForPaws… Read more

  • Psychological Factors Influencing Human-Animal Interactions

    Psychological Factors Influencing Human-Animal Interactions

    This blog explores the diverse psychological responses of humans when encountering animals. It delves into instinctual reactions like fight or flight, emotional responses such as fear and curiosity, and explores cultural beliefs, knowledge, and awareness. Additionally, it discusses physiological and social influences on human-animal interactions. Read more

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